I Tried to Enjoy 24 Hours of Hedonism on an English Channel Ferry
Words: Joe Bish
I'll admit, this edition of Britain Is a Weird Place is a bit of a nostalgia trip for me. In my youth, I got to ride all the way to France on the great white vessel known as "the Bretagne" at least once a year. The smell of the oil and petrol on the car gangway up to the parking levels, the deafening hum of the ship's innards adding a weird heat to the odors, making it feel like you were trapped in a sauna for cars—I have a lot of strong memories bound up in the cross-channel ferry, maybe because it's so intense. Half a day in the middle of the sea, while everyone around you drinks their weight in gin and tonics, is quite full-on for any child whose gray matter is still a mush of jelly and strawberries.