An 'Aging Hippie' Has Opened a 'Cannabis Cafe and Hotel' in England
"As you can tell from the empties, we've had a few people over this weekend," says 57-year-old Jonathan Falkus as we stumble past his overflowing recycling bins, crammed to the gills with bottles, and into the front room of his flat.
Located in the middle of a Guildford housing estate, Jonathan refers to his flat as a "Cannabis Café and Hotel." But, inside, it looks less like a fledgling business initiative intent on getting UK cannabis laws changed—or a hotel of any description—and more the home of a man who very much enjoys smoking weed.
The place is full of paperwork, dog-eared Dali prints, ashtrays, and multi-colored bongs. Sat on one of the four deeply indented sofas, Bruce Springsteen pounds out of the boom box next to us. As Jonathan flits about, dolling out teas and coffees, spliff in hand, I ask him what he hopes to achieve by turning his flat into Surrey's answer to the Bulldog.